September 11, 2012

Welcome to Themester 2012: Good Behavior, Bad Behavior

Themester is a multi-departmental academic initiative that extends over the course of fall semester. Through courses, lectures, films, exhibits, and other events, Themester explores different aspects of a single theme. This year our theme is "Good Behavior, Bad Behavior: Molecules to Morality." We hope to engage students, faculty, and community members in a discussion about how we understand behavior -- what's good, what's bad, and how and why we make these distinctions. We'll explore everything from political to primate behavior. The goal is to approach the subject in ways that can appeal to everyone's interests, to encourage everyone to consider more deeply the issues surrounding behavior.
This year we have more than 60 events and opportunities to get involved. Speakers will include Karl Rove, Robert Gibbs, and Chaz Bono. Plays such asTo Kill a Mockingbird and Richard III will take the stageOur film series will explore topics like human trafficking and how food influences behavior. These are just a few of the many different events and subtopics that will be discussed. We hope that you will join us in delving into this Themester!
Amber Hendricks and Rebecca Kimberly
Themester 2012 interns

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